Friday 17 March 2017



        Saliva is one of the fluid in the oral cavity is produced and excreted by the salivary glands and flowed into the oral cavity via a conduit. Saliva is composed of 98% water and the balance of electrolytes, mucus and enzymes. Saliva excreted up to 0.5 - 1.5 liters by three major and minor salivary glands located around the mouth and throat to ensure stability around the oral cavity.

salivary glands

        Major salivary glands located a bit away from the oral cavity and secretions channeled through a duct into the mouth cavity. Major salivary glands consist of the parotid gland located at the bottom of the ear behind the ramus of the mandible, submandibular gland which is located at the bottom of the mandibular corpus and sublingual glands located under the tongue. In addition there are also minor salivary glands consisting of labial glands, buccal glands, glands Bladin-NUHN, Von Ebner glands and lymph Weber.


The components of saliva, which is in a state of soluble secreted by the salivary glands, may be divided into organic and inorganic components. However, these levels still low compared with the serum because the saliva main ingredient is water which is about 99.5%. Salivary inorganic components include: Sodium, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Bicarbonate, Chloride, Rodanida and Thiocynate (CNS), Phosphate, Potassium and Nitrate. While organic components in saliva include proteins such as amylase, maltase, serum albumin, uric acid, kretinin, mucin, vitamin C, some amino acids, lysozyme, lactic, and some hormones such as testosterone and cortisol.

FACTORS AFFECTING salivary secretion
Salivary glands produce saliva nearly half a liter each day. Several factors influence the salivary secretion by stimulating the salivary glands via the following ways:
1. Mechanical factors is by eating hard or chew gum.
2. chemical factors, namely through stimuli such as sour, sweet, salty, bitter and spicy.
3. neuronal factor that is through the autonomic nervous system of both the sympathetic and parasympathetic.
4. Psychic Factors that stress inhibits the secretion of saliva.
5. Stimulation of pain, for example by inflammation, gingivitis, and the use of prostheses that can stimulate salivary secretion.

Saliva has a very important function for the oral health because they have a relationship with the biological processes that occur in the oral cavity. In general, saliva plays a role in the process of protecting the surface of the mouth, the water content regulation, spending viruses and metabolic products of the organism itself and micro-organisms, the digestion of food and tasting as well as differentiation and growth of skin cells, epithelial and nerve.

Saliva can act as an anti-mist (anti-fog). Scuba divers diving goggles always coat them with a thin layer of saliva to avoid fog. Besides saliva also play an effective role as a cleaning agent to keep painting. Cotton swab saliva coated added to the painting to remove dirt attached to the painting.

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