Friday 17 March 2017


DETERMINATION OF CONTENT levofloxacin OPTIMIZATION IN HUMAN BLOOD PLASMA (IN-VITRO) BY high performance liquid chromatography

Levofloxacin is an antibiotic flluroquinolon more potent than ciprofloxacin, as long as there has been no determination of levels in human blood plasma using SPE then dianalaisis with HPLC UV detector, Semantara of the structure that contains the chromophore allows for analysis by UV detekor.
The stationary phase used was octadecyl Silane (ODS) in column 250 x 4.6 mm (particle size 10 m), the mobile phase 0.025 molar phosphate buffer pH 2.5 and acetonitrile in the ratio (85:15)%, flow rate 1, 2 ml / min, 295 nm, and the standard internal ciprofloxacin. Validation methods performed, among others, selectivity, repeatability, linearity, LOD, LOQ, accuracy, precision and suitability of the system, with a spiking method.
From the chromatogram obtained test results and repeatability good selectivity with koefsien variation <2% (r = 6), obtained from the linearity range of 0.1 to 5 mg / ml using standard internal levels of ciprofloxacin with 3 ug / ml with r values> 0,999 (from 0.9994 to 0.9998), respectively LOD value of the ratio of the area of ​​0.065 ug / ml and by a high ratio of area of ​​0.06474 g / ml, the LOQ value of the ratio of total area of ​​0.2153 ug / ml and based on the high area ratio of 0.21580 g / ml, the percent recovery of intra-day and inter-day consecutive 94.4166 and 95.7041 ± ± 109.3797% 108.8287%, as well as precision (% CV) intra- -Day and inter-day consecutive 0.5153 ± 2.8999% and 0.9262 ± 2.4691% by UII results of conformity system against retention time, area and height ratio KV area <2%. conclusions of this research is the method used sfesifik and sensitive enough to establish the levels of levofloxacin in human blood plasma.
Keywords: HPLC, Levofloxacin, SPE, Blood Plasma

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